Friday, June 6, 2014

Teaching Is Like Gardening

My garden grows and thrives, but no matter how much I toil, it is always a work in progress.

 Plants come in different shapes and sizes. 
Some are ready to please,
and others are a bit rough around the edges. 

Some are just emerging.

Others have trouble developing.

And still others are at risk of failing.

Different members of my garden mature at different times.

While some are in full bloom,

others are just forming blossoms.

It's hard to know just what to expect when I step into my garden at the beginning of a new season. Every year holds new challenges. I survey the situation, make a plan, gather the necessary tools, and begin the never-ending task of tending to each individual plant. 

My garden grows and thrives, but no matter how much I toil, it is always a work in progress.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Straw Towers

Engage your students in a simple design activity. All they'll need are straws, tape, and a little ingenuity!

I put my students in groups of three. Each group received 50 plastic straws and one roll of transparent tape. The instructions were simple: build the tallest freestanding tower.

Students tried a variety of structures. Some were quite tall, but they could not stand freely.

Finally, students in one group stood back and looked at the progress of the other groups. "Everyone is trying to build the tallest structure, and none of them will stand," they commented. "Let's build a shorter tower that can stand on its own." They did it, and guess who won?

I recommend this activity for a fun end-of-year activity - - - or anytime! It really gets kids thinking.
