Sunday, October 26, 2014

Halloween Writing with a Twist

My favorite Halloween writing activity is entitled "The Best-Dressed Witch." I use guided imagery to help my students imagine the setting and scan the witch from the tip of her toes to the top of her head.

From this, each student creates a lively descriptive narrative. It's a blast. It's one of our best pieces.

This year, however, I feel compelled to change it. Oh boy. We have been writing so many narratives. During the month of October, my students have written a personal narrative, a fable, and a pourquoi story. We've been writing, writing, writing. I can see they're exhausted. So what's a teacher to do?

Nothing motivates this group like the ability to work together. So that's it! Collaborative stories! I'll let you know how they turn out soon!!

:- )

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