Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Student Teaching

My class will soon welcome a new member: a teacher candidate (AKA student teacher). Today's post marks the first of many that will acclimate her to the day-to-day business of teaching, especially the thinking that goes on behind the scenes. I hope that these posts help you too, whether you are just starting out or would simply like to see inside another teacher's classroom (and head).

Let's begin our journey.

At the beginning of the year, my students and I created a display of Six-Word Selfies. At that time, I shared my motto:

Number One was capitalized on purpose. Learning is king in my classroom. Everything else - - - every instructional decision, every managerial strategy, every daily move - - - hinges on one thing: learning. I think about it all the time:
  • How can I teach that more effectively?
  • Who didn't get it?
  • How can I help them understand?
  • How can I help them see the way my own brain processes it?
As you become a teacher, you will begin to ask yourself these questions and many more. 

Welcome to the most glorious profession of all: teaching!


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