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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Winter Weather Teaching Resources

Today's forecast: snowing, blowing, and cold. Perfect weather for my lesson plans!

Here's a map of the lake effect snow we're getting today.
Our school is near the yellow star on the map.

So what's on tap? Our unit on persuasive writing begins this morning. The topic? A letter persuading the principal to give us a snow day. The setting couldn't be better. Students will brainstorm reasons for a snow day together then individually select three top reasons for their persuasive letters.

They'll review the format for a friendly letter and be ready to draft their letters tomorrow.

This afternoon's math lesson will focus on the weatherman's predictions for snow. I was going to use simulated data for this, but the weatherman forecast a 5% chance of snow at this hour, and the snow is now pouring out of the sky horizontally...

Anyway, students will record data on a table, convert percentages to fractions (and reduce) then create a line plot. 

I'm sure my students were hoping for a snow day, but we'll have some fun with the winter weather anyway. Stay safe and warm today!
P.S. If you're interested in these teaching resources, they're available at my Teachers pay Teachers store.

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